Current Vacant Positions

650 SIGA employees strive for a world where buildings do not waste energy. Can you identify with our vision? Do you want to contribute to the success of SIGA with your ideas and dedication? Then apply now!

Job title Place of Work Country
Praktikum Produktentwicklung Ruswil, Schachen LU Switzerland
Produktionsmitarbeiter*in / Anlagenbediener*in Schachen LU Switzerland
Prozessingenieur*in Halberstadt Germany
Representante técnico de ventas Madrid Spain
Salg og ledelse trainee Oslo Norway
Strategische*r Einkäufer*in / Lead Buyer für die Industrie (80-100%) Ruswil, Schachen LU Switzerland
Technical Sales Representative Dublin, North Leinster Ireland
Technical Specification Advisor Greater London Area United Kingdom
Technisch commercieel vertegenwoordiger Gent, Antwerpen, Vlaams-Brabant Belgium
Teknisk säljare / Produktrådgivare Skåne Sweden

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