Current Vacant Positions

Climate protection is our DNA
. 650 SIGA employees are passionate about building air- and wind-tight building envelopes that do not waste energy. We research, develop and produce in the canton of Lucerne, Switzerland, and train and distribute in 40 countries around the world.

Job title Place of Work Country
Vertriebsmitarbeiter*in im Aussendienst Baden-Württemberg Germany
Vertriebsmitarbeiter*in im Aussendienst Berlin / Brandenburg Germany
Technische*r Zeichner*in Holzbau (80 – 100%) Braunschweig, Leipzig, Homeoffice Germany
Technical Sales Representative Dublin, North Leinster Ireland
Technisch commercieel vertegenwoordiger Gent, Antwerpen, Vlaams-Brabant Belgium
Technical Sales Manager Greater London Area United Kingdom
Technical Sales Manager Greater Manchester Area United Kingdom
Berufseinsteiger*in Technik und Lean Methodik Halberstadt Germany
Prozessingenieur*in Halberstadt Germany
Verfahrenstechniker*in Kunststofftechnologie Halberstadt Germany

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